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news for honey!

Abey: well Honey, I think the football season has started!
Honey: yea! I wish I could go to a football game!
Abey: what if you got to tempted to play?

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

We usually use "yay" when we mean "hooray." I think "yea" is only when we mean "yes," like in the Book of Mormon.

We also need to talk about 3 words:
"to" is a preposition, like "go to the store" or "from me to you"
"two" is the number (you know that)
"too" means also, like "me too"

Anyway, I think Honey would make a good football player. He wouldn't hurt anyone when he tackled them, but he also wouldn't GET hurt. He'd just be furry and cute.

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