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Sebby and Malachi!

these are pictures of my brothers sebby and malachi!

news for honey!

Abey: Honey, tomorrow's Sebby's birthday!!!
Honey: great! are we doing anything?
Abey: yes!!!


these are pictures of my brother malachi!

"story" cont.

So, Lucky, was free of the dragons!!!  Lucky, in a few hours later was finally in his own home watching WALL.E!  Then he heard a knock on the door.  He went and opened it and a little man said,"Your car was just stolen and they drove off to the car place to hide it!!!  So Lucky set out to find it!

little desk

this is me when I was little sitting at my desk


this might be a good place for a bear because...
  • it's brown
  • it has things to climb
  • it is hot?*
it might be bad...
  • it's hot!!!
  • it has no bear food
  • it's rocky 
  • there's no trees 

*it depends what kind of bear

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