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Congratulations, if you are reading this that is great! You have cracked the code !  Here are some of the things I've  done in the last year:
  1. Gone on a a trip to Oregon 
  2. Gone on a trip to California
  3. Gone to cedar city 
  4. Gone on a trip to the Redwoods 

Facts on bears

Here are some interesting facts on bears:

  • Bears eyesight is just as good as human eyesight
  • Bears can smell up to 20 mi. away!
  • The Latin name for Grizzly bear is ursus arctos horribilis which means bear bear that is horrible!
  • Bears are one of the smartest animals on the American continent 
  • They, with time, can figure out how to penetrate supposedly "bear proof" trash cans, open doors, etc.
  • If you ever encounter a bear climbing a tree will not do much good because a bear can climb a tree better than you!
  • Polar bears and grizzly bears can breed and make a "Pizzly bear!"


This is an interesting picture. Do you know what it is?


These  are some homemade hotel signs!

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